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Sunday 19 December 2010

What is Christmas truly all about? Santa or Saviour?

We live in a diabolic and demagogic world where the Word of God has not only become scarce but also the truth has been covered up with soothsaying that only suits the audiences appeal. One of the areas that have become bastardized in recent times is the Christmas. I have taken a deep research into this area for more than two years and I think its right for me to share with you some of the revelations in this area of Christmas as we celebrate the birth of the Master and King Christ Jesus. A possible area of argument in this discourse is whether the date: December 25 is the actual day in history. We will leave that for historians and theologians; albeit we can potentially discuss about it, it is more important for us to understand the meanings of the events that surround the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas is neither about Santa (St. Nicholas) and his reindeer of the 19th century American invention. This season is about Jesus: His fact in history, the joy He brings, the sinners He came to save and the mission He came to complete once and for all. While I desire to put this few lines to you in the simplest of terms, it’s my prayer that the Word of God will not lose its esteem.

Conversely, at the same time, I may sound lexically ambiguous, I pray that the truth in the Gospel will not be watered down with high sounding Ideas. Here-in God is pleased to reveal himself to our lost generation once again. Please read through, critically studying along with the Bible in your hand and let your life be richly blessed. Feel free to share with people. You may even prefer to adopt it as a Bible study guide throughout this festive period. As we unveil the Christmas in the right order, it is my prayer that every veil that has covered our hearts of understanding will be broken and we will behold Jesus even more and more. We will take it in series starting with the antecedents (before the birth of Jesus) up unto the incidence (the birth) then the precedence (after the birth). Start with Matthew 1: 1-17. Enjoy!


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