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Sunday 19 December 2010

Christmas and the Antecedents

The Generational Linkage (First Read Matthew 1: 1-17)
Should I start by informing you that Christmas did not emerge suddenly. God had His son in mind since the beginning in Genesis. Or why do you think God did not bruise the head of the serpent after Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden. It’s because He wanted to destroy the Devil (the serpent) in a grand style; in such a way that he (the devil) will never have thought about. This process started since the beginning and climaxed in the birth of the messiah. It was such a great event not only because earth recognized the new born king but because heaven realize that God has come to His people literarily and so the rejoicing of the heavenly host in Luke's account was expected (Luke 2: 8-20). I really want to lay strong emphasis on this first point and I want you to get it clearly that God did not bring the issue of Christmas in nihility or oblivion. It was calculated and deliberate. That’s why the story of the birth of Jesus did not start from Joseph the father of Jesus. Rather it started with the Father of Faith Abraham. What a great thing to discover! Our Heavenly Father is a master planner and strategist. Very patient enough to accommodate the errors of our fore fathers running from Adam, to the era of the Priests, Judges and Kings up until the era of the prophets. God then presented Himself to mankind in a most spectacular way that although hell bragged by causing king Herod to kill all the babies at that time, Jesus was preserved that you and I might be delivered. Hell startled at the arrival of His Majesty but unfortunately for Satan, there was nothing to be done any longer. We'll come to dwell on the lot of the devil at Christmas later in this study but for now let’s tie up this section.

God relished his plans fondly for 42 generations before the birth of the King of Kings. Even after captivity at Babylon, mankind did not deem it fit to return to the creator. The evil continued until the birth of the Messiah. God brought the order from Abraham to David up until Joseph the father of Jesus. This is the message of hope with which we want to open this study with, that no matter how long or how much of a mess you have been in life God has never forgotten about you. I want you to know especially at this Christmas time that God still has you very much in His mind and that’s why he thinks about you (Jeremiah 29:11).
  That is why He is giving His only begotten son to us first as Jesus who will wipe away the sins of God's people (Matthew 1:21) and secondly as Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23) because God has decided to come dwell amidst His people. God has not forgotten about you so there's still hope for you. Why don't you come to Him today (2Corinthians 6:2). Come weary and ashamed. Come; come lay your burdens down. Come; come take this gift of grace. Today is your day.
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