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Friday 24 December 2010

God’s Prophecy Holds No Matter What!

 What you say goes, GOD, and stays, as permanent as the heavens. (Psalms 119:89 MSG)
Apart from God being a Master strategist as we have come to see in the preceding sections; where He orchestrated a divine agenda for humanity through the birth of Jesus, He is also a God who when He has spoken, it will surely come to pass (e.g. Exodus 16:12). When God speaks, His words are bound to be fulfilled. Those things may seem impossible to us, but to Him all things are possible(Mark 10:27). See the plants as the rain drops on it, they occur at his rhythm. It may take a while for God's word to be fulfilled in our lives and within our time frame (which is quite different from God’s time frame), but it will surely come to pass. God’s word towards us comes in many ways and at any form; they become prophecies upon our lives. So what does prophecy means?

To prophesy means to proclaim or to announce God’s message. Prophets speak (or repeat) what God has told them. A prophet is God’s mouthpiece to the world. Prophecy is the message. What is spoken was by divine inspiration; it was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet; the Spirit of the Lord spake by them. Prophets and holy men formerly, spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost; so that what they said is to be looked upon as the Word of God.
"Prophecy shows the will, counsel, and determination of God about any matter; the accomplishment of it, the faithfulness and veracity of God in his word; the prediction declares that the thing would be, and the thing itself was done, that what was spoken might be fulfilled; not merely by way of accommodation, or in a typical and mystical, but in a strict, proper and literal sense"
The main reason why we are considering this topic especially this Christmas is for us to look again into those things that God has said concerning us and have a re-enacted faith upon them, believing Him that has said it, for He will do it (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Long before Jesus was born, there was an heralding of His coming. Cross-check these places in the Bible and see for yourself:
1. Matthew 1:23 & Isaiah 7:14
2. Matthew 2:6 & Micah 5:2
3. Matthew 2:15 & Hosea 11:1
4. Matthew 2:17 & Jeremiah 31:15
5. Matthew 2:23 & Judges 13:5
Many of the prophecies take several years before they are fulfilled (time frame). The first example above (Isaiah 7:14) took about 740years before its manifestations in Matthew 1:23. And whenever there was a fulfilment we are taken aback to when it was originally spoken.

The Prophecy upon Bethlehem and Nazareth serves as literal examples for us this Christmas. They both symbolize the lives of many of us right now.

1. Bethlehem of Judea (Matthew 2:6) - Bethlehem, the birthplace of Christ, was a small town about six miles south of Jerusalem. The word “Bethlehem” denotes “house of bread” - perhaps given to the place on account of its great fertility. In Micah 5:2, it was said: “though thou be little.” Though a small place so far as population is concerned, yet it shall not be small, or be the least in honour; for the Messiah shall be born there. Jesus’ birth gave the place an honour which could not be conferred on the larger cities by all their numbers, their splendour, and their wealth. The birth of a distinguished personage was always supposed to give honour.  
So come to think of it, what has history said about you? What has been said about your future? I want to tell you emphatically that we serve a God who not only change history, He can transform your future forever! Whose report will you believe?  His word concerning your life will surely come to pass! (Psalm 62:11). This is the message for this season!

2. Nazareth (Matthew 2:23) - This was a small town, situated in Galilee, west of Capernaum, and not far from Cana. It was built partly in a valley and partly on the declivity of a hill, Luke 4:29. A hill is yet pointed out, to the south of Nazareth, as the one from which the people of the place attempted to precipitate the Saviour. It was a place, at that time, proverbial for wickedness, providing the background for Nathanael’s wry remark to Philip, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (John 1:46). Have you always heard people say: “Jesus Christ of Nazareth!” Yes, this is because Jesus was actually a Nazarene (Mark 1:24, Matthew 21:11, Acts 2:22), He hailed from the source describe as evil. Serious issue… Jesus, evil source?! Interesting!
We need to appreciate this. When God’s word comes, they are to meet specific issues in our lives. For Nazareth, a great light appeared (Isaiah 9:2). So what has happened to your land; as a person and as a nation? I want to tell you that God has made declaration towards that effect. We must acknowledge them and hold unto them. They will surely come to pass.
"What should make us even more dependent on God is who He is; His sovereignty, power, awesomeness, greatness and terribleness ( Zephaniah 2:11, Deuteronomy 34:12, Isaiah 66:1, 1 Kings 18:24). God may seem far away from us at some instances, but His reassuring words should keep us going (Habakkuk 2:1-4) because he can never fail. In difficult and trying times, He’s there with us even nearer than the clothes we wear. The words he has spoken to us both written in the scriptures and through His ministers should be the source of our comfort. All of His promises towards us are ye and amen, in Christ Jesus that glory will come to Him (2Corinthians 1:20). Hallelujah! His words hold forever no matter what! Darkness may have the whole night but joy comes in the morning. Rejoice!"
No matter what time and seasons present to you, God’s word concerning you will always come to pass (Isaiah 40:5)


Seun Oyeniran

Also available on the author’s facebook note. If you wish to receive this material in alternative formats: MSword, PDF, etc, feel free to contact the author.

One More very important thing!
As much as God’s prophecy can be useful for our lives, they can produce negative results if you don’t qualify for the benefits. Jesus was born, for you to have total salvation from wickedness and impending destruction that follows. Yes something good can come out of your Nazareth once the Jesus is born inside.
You have to be born again for you to be enlisted in the row call of beneficiaries of heavenly gifts and resources. How? 1. Conviction: accept that you are a sinner.(1John 1:8, Romans 3:23) 2. Cofession: Confess your sins to God not to man.(1John 1:9) 3. Conversion: believe and live with the understanding that Jesus Christ is here to save you (John3:16, John 1:12). It’s important for you to take these step before you key into His prophecy for your life!

Tuesday 21 December 2010

The Core Issue of Christmas

“…and you shall call his name Jesus, for he shall take away the sins of my people” (Matthew 1:21b)

God has a mind. We know that because we know he has thoughts; God thinks (Jeremiah 29:11). Well, we may not be able to compare God’s mind with our mind, but I believe they are both designed in relatively the same manner. We think in our mind and executes the actions. The mind is the well spring of issues that will come to pass.
When God was passing across key details to Mary and Joseph through angel Gabriel, God 'coded' His mind to them and enveloped everything in the name JESUS. This was a mystery. God want to come and dwell among His people and deliver them from their sin. God meant business with Jesus. He wanted to solve the puzzle, but this time He’s no longer sending messengers or prophets or priests nor Judges nor kings like He did in time of old (e.g. Leveticus 4:35, 5:6, 12:6, 14:13, etc), God is coming 'personally' this time, and it’s at Christmas*! Until this moment in history, God’s people (the people of Isreal; you and I) had a critical issue to deal with. The issue was and still is the issue of SIN.
The time of the birth of Jesus came into history when God want to literarily deal with the issue of sin headlong. He had to come in the form of man (not as angel) because he wants to prove to us that sin can be dealt with in the flesh.

How did the issue of sin become such a serious matter?
In the beginning (Genesis 3:1-8) we saw how Adam and Eve disobeyed God. Sin and death came through that order (Romans 5:12-21). God could have put an end to the devil and of course sin there and then in the garden of Eden (or don’t you think He has the power), but in His divine nature and power, He patiently brought us to the time He could literarily deal with it for us. His intervention was His only begotten son, who eventually crushed the head of the serpent. The process began at Christmas and climaxed on the cross.

Sin is of the devil and for this purpose the son of God was made manifest that He might destroy the works of the devil (1John 3:8). Not as though God was making a mistake by taking His people through the laws through out the Old Testament, He was showing what their sin really is. Along with the law came more sin. God wrote the requirements for being justified on the tablets of stones as seen in the ten cammandments. From the time of Noah up until the exile in Babylon, the sin of men continued. The law could not save, neither could burnt sacrifices and offering, except Jesus. The law made us more aware of our sinfulness however, through the birth of Jesus, God is showing us the path of Justification by faith. (John 1:17, Roman 5:20, Galatians 2:21, 5:4)

God took the ordinary simple ways to show us that everything he required of us as human is not too big to achieve. This is it: we could live above sin because Jesus did (Hebrew 4:15). Did someone say that was Jesus! I say, that was a man like you and I!! Jesus was an ordinary man born in an ordinary place through ordinary people but he did extra-ordinary things. God came to us through Jesus to do two major things:

#1. To destroy the reign of sin and collect power from death, thereby, giving us eternal life (Matthew 1:21, 2Timothy 1:10, Romans 8:2, Romans 5:21, John 3:16)

#2. To establish His kingdom among the children of men wherein He can dwell within us; Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23)

This was why the heavens rejoiced when Jesus was born! (Luke 2:13-15). The wise men had a glimpse of what God intended to do with Christmas so they could afford to leave their ordinary lamb in pursuit of the Lamb of God. They also did not mind how expensive what they were bringing to baby Jesus was; the world project that God was running was their utmost delight.

For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace"(Romans 6:14)

Also available on the author’s facebook note. If you wish to receive this material in alternative formats: MSword, PDF, etc, feel free to contact the author.

While the bells of Christmas rang at the wake of the New Testament as Jesus was born, I could 'imagine' what God was thinking in His mind. I think It looked something like this: “My people will no longer need the bloods of lambs and other animals for the remission of their sins; I will use the blood of the precious Lamb to wipe away their sins once and for all (1Peter 18-21, John 1:29). No longer will there be a break in connection between you and Me again, I’m coming to adopt you as sons by my spirit (Romans 8:15, Ephessians 1:5). I want to make everything new (2Corinthians 5:17). And my kingdom shall know no bound (Luke 1:33)"

Can you appreciate what makes Christmas unique in history. Not Santa or fanta or rice and chicken, it is that God made a way of escape for us from sin and destruction which has ravaged from generation to generation.

For this process (of the elimination of sin) to become real in our lives my dear friends, we need to accept the truth. Lets face it:
1. That we are sinners (1John1:8,10; Romans 3:23)
2. That if we confess our sins He will forgive us (1John 1
3. That when we accept Jesus into our lives we are free of sin (1John3:9)
4. By God’s spirit we receive adoption to become sons that will replicate Jesus here on earth (Romans 8:1-end, John 1:12)

Sunday 19 December 2010

Raising a Standard for Sexual Purity

The Earthly Parents of Jesus
In section 2 we discussed about the five women in the genealogy of Jesus Christ with a critical look at the first four women: Tamar, Rahab, Bathseba and Ruth excluding Mary. We saw what God did with their errors and how He transformed their lives and brought them into the messianic history.
This section will be a liitle sharp, straight and direct, please take it as God talking to us. I’m praying that God will break every veil that has covered us up from seeing the true light of Christmas as God has designed it to be. Please read once again Matthew 1:1-25.
Mary and Joseph
Mary the mother of Jesus
As the Holy Spirit began to pan throughout the land of Isreal at the wake of the New Testament, He was searching for a 'womb' for the king of glory to be conceived. Among the many women in Nazareth of Galilee, God chose only one woman; He chose Mary. I still keep wondering why Mary became the perfect choice. How come Mary? Have you too wondered why like myself? Let us reason together from these perspectives:

#1. Mary found favour before God (Luke 1:30). Favour means to show a kind act: an act of kindness performed or granted out of goodwill or preference. It means preferential treatment shown to somebody. She did not deserve it by all standard, she found favour.

#2. Mary was a virgin: as we emphasize in section one that God can use prostitutes, I want you to know that God can use virgins even more. Although moral values and sanctity have been lost in our society, so much so that the issue of virginity have been thrown into the trash can, God wish to still lay emphasis on it as we can see in the life of Mary. Young men and women must learn to keep themselves until the time of marriage (Hebrews 13:4) Virginity means many things:
a. That you have succeeded in keeping yourself from sexual sin. God dislikes sexual sin so much that 23,000 pilgrims died as a result of sexual sin (1Corinthians 10:8). Every other sin committed is outside of the body except sexual sin (1Corinthians 6:16-18).
b. The desire to be pure and preserved for the Lord.
c. The refusal to fornication despite pressure from peers and opposite sex.
Virginity is a virtue that must be held in high esteem. It is a good virtue that God loves. One of the other qualities the King found in Esther was virginity (Esther 2:15,17).

#3. Mary revered the Lord: It’s easy to pick that from her conversation with Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:38). She humbled herself before the Angel and referred to herself as “the handmaid of the Lord”. She had the Fear of God in Her. I could 'imagine' her saying in Luke 1:38: “you are my master and I trust you will do the best with me. I accept your report for my life; 'be it unto me according to your word'. I’m grateful for showing your favour upon my life”

Joseph the Father of Jesus (Matthew 1:18-25)
Although we could highlight several things about Joseph, let’s just bring it down to three.
#1. He did not push for sex before marriage in his courtship with Mary. Probably he was a virgin too(??).
#2. He was a just man (Matthew 1:19). To be just means to be righteous. Joseph was a righteous man. Remember that he refused to publicly put Mary to shame. He wanted to put the whole matter to an end in a quiet and simple way. How many of us men could put up with a woman that got pregnant before marriage? The law gave him many options: divorce (Deuteronomy 24:1), infamy (John 8:5), etc.
#3. He honoured God (Matthew 1:24-25). The Bible makes us understand that he got up from sleep and did as the angel said. He was determined to obey God no matter what. He didn’t look at men but focused on God to receive strength as the criticism increased and the pregnancy went on for nine months. I see both parents making time to pray very often for grace to face the disgrace and for sustenance of what God was doing in their lives.

These are the parents of Jesus, Joseph and Mary. From youth up until the time of their coming together they lived for God. They did not fornicate nor defile themselves. God wants the youths to emulate this as standard for their relationships and for parents as a standard for setting up their family and child bearing.

Seun Oyeniran.

Also available on the author’s facebook note. If you wish to receive this material in alternative formats: MSword, PDF, etc, feel free to contact the author.

A strong message for the youths. You can keep yourself pure and undefiled! Probably if God needs another Mary in our time, He could find you. God still searches for virgins to pour His Holy Spirit into. Will you be that Mary? Don’t mind the nonsense being carried about everywhere that virgins usually have sexual problems after marriage or that you must test yourself in sex before marriage so that your marriage could last. It’s all a BIG lie (we shall prove this in later sections). Sex does not make relationship last, it’s good relationship that makes sex last. Virgins usually have marital bliss together with excellent children and families. As a youth, God wants you to keep your virginity. Maybe you could pray and say:
#1. Lord let me find favour in your sight. Just like that of Mary, the favour that will transform my life forever.
#2. Lord help me keep my virginity (if you are a virgin) (Titus 2:11-12). I may not be able to do this on my own. I need the power of thy grace.
#3. Lord let your fear be in my heart always (Proverbs 14:27). The fear that will lead me to worship you and accept your report for my life, even when it is difficult to hold on to your word for sexual purity.

#4. Although I may have come short of this standard, Lord, have mercy on me and make me new again.

Christmas and the Antecedents (2)

As you read through Matthew 1:1-17 once again, I’m praying that God will inscribe His statutes and ordinances not on rocky stones but on the tablets of our hearts.

The Women In Jesus’ Genealogy
As the Bible gave account of men in the opening pages of Matthew, God was initially silent about women. As the generational count went on from Abraham to David and so on, one would have expected literarily that the account of women would start along with. Several generations passed by before God mentioned the name of a single woman. And if any woman would be mentioned probably it should start with Sarah the wife of Abraham. Right? Or what do you think?... On the contrary however, the women mentioned had questionable records of account; quite unlike what we would have expected of the messianic genealogy. Only five women were mentioned in Jesus’ Genealogy in Matthew chapter one and they all had one terrible record or the other except for Mary.

1. Tamar (Genesis 38:1-end)
2. Rahab (Joshua 2: 1, 3; 6:17, 23, 25; Hebrews 11:31)
3. Ruth (Ruth 1: 1-end)
4. Bathsheba (2Samuel 11:3, 27)
5. Mary (The mother of Jesus)

The question we need to ask ourselves is that what could God be doing by bringing Jesus through the generation of prostitutes? Can’t God look for better grandparents for Jesus than these women who had very rough beginnings? Maybe you’ll need to take time to study further on each of these women so you’ll understand what I mean. I see God passing across a very strong message to you and me with what He did by choosing these women who had poor beginnings.

As I look through these pages over and over again the Truth in the scriptures became more obvious. Let’s look at it together:

1. Even though God had a perfect plan in mind, He can still use imperfect people. i.e. God can perfect his perfect plan through imperfect people.

2. God does not necessarily use the best of people; but people who whenever they commit sin and fail always realize themselves and plead for forgiveness. i.e. God searches for sincerity and a broken spirit (Psalm 51:8-12) in the heart of His children. Rahab was sincere and humbled herself before the truth. Bathsheba also cried for mercy over shedding innocent blood. Ruth was very sincere.

3. God acknowledges genuine repentance. Despite their sinful nature, these women genuinely repented of their sins and the merciful God still deem it fit to put them in Jesus’ lineage. Infact, Rahab the prostitute was mentioned among the heroes of faith in Hebrews 11.

4. God has a place in his heart for everyone no matter what we have done or have gone through. He’s willing and able to forgive us so we can have a fresh start with Him.

5. God reserves the right to have mercy on whoever He wishes to. Irrespective of records, God’s mercy can still speak.

This is the message for this Christmas season: That no matter what the devil has done with your life, God wants to accept you, redeem you and transform your life to the shame of the devil. At this sensitive time of the year when many people are counting on how much they’ve lost, we should know that there is sufficiency and rest in Christ Jesus. Jesus was not brought into the world for the “perfect” but that everything that was imperfect would be made perfect and all that had been lost could be regained back even in double fold (Mathew 15:24, 18:11; Luke 15:1-2). He did it in the life of the woman he met by the well in Samaria (John 4:1-29), He can do in your life once again. Why not come today. Tomorrow maybe too late (Acts 17:30; 2Corinthians 6:2).


Also available on the author’s facebook note. If you wish to receive this material in alternative formats: MSword, PDF, etc, feel free to contact the author

Christmas and the Antecedents

The Generational Linkage (First Read Matthew 1: 1-17)
Should I start by informing you that Christmas did not emerge suddenly. God had His son in mind since the beginning in Genesis. Or why do you think God did not bruise the head of the serpent after Adam and Eve were tempted in the Garden of Eden. It’s because He wanted to destroy the Devil (the serpent) in a grand style; in such a way that he (the devil) will never have thought about. This process started since the beginning and climaxed in the birth of the messiah. It was such a great event not only because earth recognized the new born king but because heaven realize that God has come to His people literarily and so the rejoicing of the heavenly host in Luke's account was expected (Luke 2: 8-20). I really want to lay strong emphasis on this first point and I want you to get it clearly that God did not bring the issue of Christmas in nihility or oblivion. It was calculated and deliberate. That’s why the story of the birth of Jesus did not start from Joseph the father of Jesus. Rather it started with the Father of Faith Abraham. What a great thing to discover! Our Heavenly Father is a master planner and strategist. Very patient enough to accommodate the errors of our fore fathers running from Adam, to the era of the Priests, Judges and Kings up until the era of the prophets. God then presented Himself to mankind in a most spectacular way that although hell bragged by causing king Herod to kill all the babies at that time, Jesus was preserved that you and I might be delivered. Hell startled at the arrival of His Majesty but unfortunately for Satan, there was nothing to be done any longer. We'll come to dwell on the lot of the devil at Christmas later in this study but for now let’s tie up this section.

God relished his plans fondly for 42 generations before the birth of the King of Kings. Even after captivity at Babylon, mankind did not deem it fit to return to the creator. The evil continued until the birth of the Messiah. God brought the order from Abraham to David up until Joseph the father of Jesus. This is the message of hope with which we want to open this study with, that no matter how long or how much of a mess you have been in life God has never forgotten about you. I want you to know especially at this Christmas time that God still has you very much in His mind and that’s why he thinks about you (Jeremiah 29:11).
  That is why He is giving His only begotten son to us first as Jesus who will wipe away the sins of God's people (Matthew 1:21) and secondly as Emmanuel (Matthew 1:23) because God has decided to come dwell amidst His people. God has not forgotten about you so there's still hope for you. Why don't you come to Him today (2Corinthians 6:2). Come weary and ashamed. Come; come lay your burdens down. Come; come take this gift of grace. Today is your day.
Also on author's facebook note. If you wish to receive this material in alternative formats: MSword, PDF, etc, feel free to contact the author

What is Christmas truly all about? Santa or Saviour?

We live in a diabolic and demagogic world where the Word of God has not only become scarce but also the truth has been covered up with soothsaying that only suits the audiences appeal. One of the areas that have become bastardized in recent times is the Christmas. I have taken a deep research into this area for more than two years and I think its right for me to share with you some of the revelations in this area of Christmas as we celebrate the birth of the Master and King Christ Jesus. A possible area of argument in this discourse is whether the date: December 25 is the actual day in history. We will leave that for historians and theologians; albeit we can potentially discuss about it, it is more important for us to understand the meanings of the events that surround the Birth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Christmas is neither about Santa (St. Nicholas) and his reindeer of the 19th century American invention. This season is about Jesus: His fact in history, the joy He brings, the sinners He came to save and the mission He came to complete once and for all. While I desire to put this few lines to you in the simplest of terms, it’s my prayer that the Word of God will not lose its esteem.

Conversely, at the same time, I may sound lexically ambiguous, I pray that the truth in the Gospel will not be watered down with high sounding Ideas. Here-in God is pleased to reveal himself to our lost generation once again. Please read through, critically studying along with the Bible in your hand and let your life be richly blessed. Feel free to share with people. You may even prefer to adopt it as a Bible study guide throughout this festive period. As we unveil the Christmas in the right order, it is my prayer that every veil that has covered our hearts of understanding will be broken and we will behold Jesus even more and more. We will take it in series starting with the antecedents (before the birth of Jesus) up unto the incidence (the birth) then the precedence (after the birth). Start with Matthew 1: 1-17. Enjoy!
