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Wednesday 3 July 2013

God so loved the world

Does God love me? The answer is in the Bible, God’s Word:
“I have loved you with an everlasting love.” — Jeremiah 31:3
God loves you, and He loves you with a love that you don’t know anything about, because there is no human love comparable to divine love. God loves you. He wants to forgive you. He wants to have fellowship with you.
God is love.” — 1 John 4:16
It doesn’t make any difference how far you try to run from God. He loves you. His eye is on you. He sees you. God loves you, and the Bible says that God sent His Son from heaven to this earth for you. Jesus Christ came to this earth to take your sins upon a cross. God has a plan for your life.
“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord. ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future.’”
— Jeremiah 29:11
God created us in His image, and you are important to God.
Indeed the very hairs of your head are numbered.” — Luke 12:7

Lose to Gain

If you can spare the about the next 28minutes to see this video, it could lead to that true freedom you've truly longed for all these years! There's more to life that the success we are all pursuing....

Jesus, The Bridge to Life

Man is born with a God-shaped hole or vacuum. Although man tries to fill it with everything he can think of to satisfy his longing, only God can.

You have to be born again for you to be enlisted in the row call of beneficiaries of heavenly gifts and resources. How? 1. Conviction: accept that you are a sinner.(1John 1:8, Romans 3:23) 2. Cofession: Confess your sins to God not to man.(1John 1:9) 3. Conversion: believe and live with the understanding that Jesus Christ is here to save you (John3:16, John 1:12). It’s important for you to take these step!

See more videos here

Tuesday 2 July 2013


This video explains the good news of the gospel story and how it is a gift of God to all those who are set free from the slavery of sin and death.

The Power of Perception - by Phil Cooke

As a television producer and media consultant in Hollywood, perception is my business.  I deal in the visual world of products and people, and how they are perceived by the viewing audience.  Today, in a media-saturated culture, perception is so important. It’s not just about factsit’s about perception. Now, as a Christian, I used to look at the issue of perception as negative and deceitful.  Indeed it can be, but like many things, I also learned it has a flip side, as I began to study how Jesus went to great lengths to craft the public perception of his ministry and his purpose on the earth. 

He actually told people who had been healed not to tell anyone. 
He carefully chose the men who would be His closest associates.      
During the height of his popularity, he withdrew to remote places to be alone. 
 He chose the method of his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 
When He could have escaped in the garden, he told Peter to stop fighting and quietly allowed Himself to be arrested.         
During the events that led to his execution, He even controlled the interrogation of Pilate by only responding to certain questions. 

Jesus was constantly doing the unexpected, because He had a purpose and plan for his life, and he refused to let others determine his destiny or how He would be perceived. 

It’s Not Just Who You Are – It’s How You’re Perceived.

Jesus understood that perception is a powerful word and has enormous consequences. One of the greatest criticisms of Christianity is not about principles, but perception.  The history of the faith is littered with men and women who may have been sincere and genuine, but because they cared little for how they were perceived, they ended up doing far more damage than good. 

For instance, it doesn’t matter if you have a passion for witnessing, if people believe you’re pushy, insensitive jerk.  After all, God has called us to be a light within the culture, because light draws people – it’s doesn’t repel them.  Everyday we have the opportunity to impact people’s perception of God and His ability to impact their lives. Only God can truly change hearts, but he allows us the gift of being active in His plan.  King David said, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

Understand the power of perception,
but never forget that God is ultimately in control.

The fact is, it’s not an either/or proposition.  Who you are is important.  Your talent, your gifts, your life before God – are all critical because Truth exists, and God has called us to live at a remarkable level. But you should also never underestimate the value of how you are perceived.  Because we’re also called to be witnesses of His life, death, and resurrection – and how that message is received by others can never be taken for granted. 

Phil Cooke is a filmmaker, media consultant, and author of “Jolt! Get the Jump on a World That’s Constantly Changing.”  Find out more at

Monday 1 July 2013

You May Have Peace

It is probably a God-send that we can't see the future because we might very well want to throw the towel in now. Yes there are probably wonderful things ahead for all of us but you can be sure that there are some troubles ahead too. Just the anticipation of those trials and struggles would cripple us. Jesus knew the future though. He told His followers that tough times were just around the corner for them, but He also told them that those troubles wouldn't last and that the joys afterwards would be worth it. Jesus defeated evil and sin which are the source of all our troubles and when you put your trust in Him, you can defeat it too. He is the true source of Peace. "I've told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you’ll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33